r6 sagemaker: this is just a placeholder | sagemaker.core-package sagemaker.core |
Appends the project tag to the list of tags, if it exists. | .append_project_tags |
Generate models for JumpStart, and optionally apply filters to result. | .generate_jumpstart_model_versions |
JumpStartModelsAccessor class | .JumpStartModelsAccessor |
Invokes the docker pull command for the given image. | .pull_image |
Handle the lifecycle and configuration of a local container execution. | .SageMakerContainer |
SageMakerSettings class | .SageMakerSettings |
Check if a payload is within the size in MB threshold. | .validate_payload_size |
Add custom tags to JumpStart models, return the updated tags. | add_jumpstart_tags |
Adds ``tag_key`` to ``curr_tags`` if ``uri`` corresponds to a JumpStart model. | add_single_jumpstart_tag |
And operator class for filtering JumpStart content. | And |
A Python class representation of a boto API object. | ApiObject |
Extract the base name of the resource name (for use with future resource name generation). | base_from_name |
Extract the base name of the image to use as the 'algorithm name' for the job. | base_name_from_image |
Enum class for boolean values. | BooleanValues |
Return a dict of key and value pair if value is not None, otherwise return an empty dict. | build_dict |
Helper function to return help documentation for sagemaker R6 classes. | cls_help |
CompilationInput | CompilationInput |
Constant operator class for filtering JumpStart content. | Constant |
Create a definition for executing a container as part of a SageMaker model. | container_def |
Creates intermediate directory structure for relative_path. | copy_directory_structure |
CreateModelInput | CreateModelInput |
Wrap a function with a deprecation warning. | deprecated_function |
Exception raised when trying to access a JumpStart model deprecated specifications. | DeprecatedJumpStartModelError |
Download a Single File from S3 into a local path | download_file |
Download a Single File from S3 into a local path | download_file_from_url |
Download a folder from S3 to a local path | download_folder |
Class describes the values in the cache. | Element |
Evaluates model filter with cached model spec value, returns boolean. | evaluate_filter_expression |
Parse the model ID, return a tuple framework, task, rest-of-id. | extract_framework_task_model |
Amazon SageMaker channel configurations for file system data sources. | FileSystemInput |
Enum class for filter operators for JumpStart models. | FilterOperators |
Extract the framework and Python version from the image name. | framework_name_from_image |
Extract the framework version from the image tag. | framework_version_from_tag |
Return an Instance of :class:`sagemaker.local.data.BatchStrategy` according to `strategy` | get_batch_strategy_instance |
Return an Instance of :class:`sagemaker.local.data.DataSource`. | get_data_source_instance |
Return the role ARN whose credentials are used to call the API. | get_execution_role |
Returns formatted manifest dictionary from raw manifest. | get_formatted_manifest |
Return default JumpStart base name if a URI belongs to JumpStart. | get_jumpstart_base_name_if_jumpstart_model |
Returns regionalized content bucket name for JumpStart. | get_jumpstart_content_bucket |
Returns formatted string indicating where JumpStart is launched. | get_jumpstart_launched_regions_message |
Get arguments for create_model_package method. | get_model_package_args |
Retrieve web url describing pretrained model. | get_model_url |
Get the model parallelism parameters provided by the user. | get_mp_parameters |
Returns sagemaker library version. | get_sagemaker_version |
Return short version in the format of x.x | get_short_version |
Return an Instance of :class:`sagemaker.local.data.Splitter`. | get_splitter_instance |
Return the value of a tag whose key matches the given ``tag_key``. | get_tag_value |
Clone Sagemaker repositories by calling git | git_clone_repo |
Possible modes for validating hyperparameters. | HyperparameterValidationMode |
Identity operator class for filtering JumpStart content. | Identity |
ImageUris Class | ImageUris |
Initialise ProtoBuf | initProtoBuf |
Determines if `model_id` and `version` input are for JumpStart. | is_jumpstart_model_input |
Returns True if URI corresponds to a JumpStart-hosted model. | is_jumpstart_model_uri |
Check if list is named | is_list_named |
Check if file is tar archived or not. | is_tarfile |
validation check of s3 uri | is.s3_uri |
JumpStartCachedS3ContentKey class | JumpStartCachedS3ContentKey |
JumpStartCachedS3ContentValue class | JumpStartCachedS3ContentValue |
Base class for many JumpStart types. | JumpStartDataHolderType |
Data class for JumpStart ECR specs. | JumpStartECRSpecs |
JumpStartEnvironmentVariable class | JumpStartEnvironmentVariable |
JumpStartHyperparameter class | JumpStartHyperparameter |
Exception raised for bad hyperparameters of a JumpStart model. | JumpStartHyperparametersError |
Data class for launched region info. | JumpStartLaunchedRegionInfo |
Data class JumpStart model header. | JumpStartModelHeader |
Class that implements a cache for JumpStart models manifests and specs. | JumpStartModelsCache |
JumpStartModelSpecs class | JumpStartModelSpecs |
Type of files published in JumpStart S3 distribution buckets. | JumpStartS3FileType |
Enum class for JumpStart script scopes. | JumpStartScriptScope |
Enum class for tag keys to apply to JumpStart models. | JumpStartTag |
JumpStartVersionedModelId class | JumpStartVersionedModelId |
Split records by new line. | LineSplitter |
List frameworks for JumpStart, and optionally apply filters to result. | list_jumpstart_frameworks |
List scripts for JumpStart, and optionally apply filters to result. | list_jumpstart_scripts |
List tasks for JumpStart, and optionally apply filters to result. | list_jumpstart_tasks |
LocalFileDataSource class | LocalFileDataSource |
A SageMaker Runtime client that calls a local endpoint only. | LocalSagemakerRuntimeClient |
A SageMaker ``Session`` class for Local Mode. | LocalSession |
Class that implements LRU cache with expiring items. | LRUCache |
Returns the s3 key prefix for uploading code during model deployment | model_code_key_prefix |
Data holder class to store model filters. | ModelFilter |
Enum class for JumpStart model framework. | ModelFramework |
Move source to destination. | move_to_destination |
Feed multiple records at a time for batch inference. | MultiRecordStrategy |
Append a timestamp to the provided string. | name_from_base |
Create a training job name based on the image name and a timestamp. | name_from_image |
NoneSplitter class | NoneSplitter |
Not operator class for filtering JumpStart content. | Not |
Operand class for filtering JumpStart content. | Operand |
Operator class for filtering JumpStart content. | Operator |
Or operator class for filtering JumpStart content. | Or |
Parse filter string and return a serialized ``ModelFilter`` object. | parse_filter_string |
split s3 uri | parse_s3 parse_s3_url split_s3_uri |
Returns sagemaker library version. This should only be called once. | parse_sagemaker_version |
PawsFunctions class | PawsFunctions |
PawsSession Class create connection to AWS utilizing paws. | PawsSession |
Create a definition for executing a pipeline of containers as part of a SageMaker model. | pipeline_container_def |
Create a production variant description suitable for use in a ``ProductionVariant`` list. | production_variant |
Raise warning for deprecated python versions | python_deprecation_warning |
read_records_io | read_records_io |
Record class | Record |
Split using Amazon Recordio. | RecordIOSplitter |
A wrapper around distutils.dir_util.copy_tree. | recursive_copy |
Get the AWS endpoint specific for the given region. | regional_hostname |
Checks if the deprecated argument is populated. | remove_arg |
Checks if the deprecated argument is in kwargs | removed_kwargs |
Raise a warning for a no-op in sagemaker>=2 | removed_warning |
Checks if the deprecated argument is in kwargs | renamed_kwargs |
Raise a warning for a rename in sagemaker>=2 | renamed_warning |
Unpack model tarball and creates a new model tarball with the provided code script. | repack_model |
Retries until max retry count is reached. | retries |
Split string from the right | rsplit |
Creates S3 uri paths | s3_path_join |
Defines a data source given by a bucket and S3 prefix. | S3DataSource |
S3Downloader | S3Downloader |
S3Uploader Class | S3Uploader |
Return a timestamp that is relatively short in length | sagemaker_short_timestamp |
Return a timestamp with millisecond precision. | sagemaker_timestamp |
Returns true if training job's secondary status message has changed. | secondary_training_status_changed |
Returns a string contains last modified time and the secondary training job status message. | secondary_training_status_message |
Sagemaker Session Class | Session |
ShuffleConfig Class | ShuffleConfig |
Feed a single record at a time for batch inference. | SingleRecordStrategy |
Enum class for special supported filter keys. | SpecialSupportedFilterKeys |
Get the AWS STS endpoint specific for the given region. | sts_regional_endpoint |
Returns True if ``tag_key`` is in the ``tag_array``. | tag_key_in_array |
Package source files and uploads a compress tar file to S3. | tar_and_upload_dir |
Create a definition for input data used by an SageMaker training job. | TrainingInput |
TransformInput | TransformInput |
Create a unique name from base str | unique_name_from_base |
Updates the tags for the ``sagemaker.model.Model.deploy`` command with any JumpStart tags. | update_inference_tags_with_jumpstart_training_tags |
Validate hyperparameters for JumpStart models. | validate_hyperparameters |
Validate the configuration dictionary for model parallelism. | validate_mp_config |
Check if smdistributed strategy is correctly invoked by the user. | validate_smdistributed |
Validate that the source directory exists and it contains the user script | validate_source_dir |
Checks if version or image arguments are specified. | validate_version_or_image_args |
Possible value of the ``scope`` attribute for a hyperparameter or environment variable. | VariableScope |
Possible types for hyperparameters and environment variables. | VariableTypes |
Verifies that an acceptable model_id, version, scope, and region combination is provided. | verify_model_region_and_return_specs |
Extracts subnets and security group ids as lists from a VpcConfig dict | vpc_from_list |
Checks VpcConfig | vpc_sanitize |
Convert subnet and security groups in to vpc list | vpc_to_list |
Exception raised when trying to access a JumpStart model specs flagged as vulnerable. | VulnerableJumpStartModelError |
Warn the user that training will not fully leverage all the GPU cores | warn_if_parameter_server_with_multi_gpu |
write_matrix_to_dense_tensor | write_matrix_to_dense_tensor |
write_spmatrix_to_sparse_tensor | write_spmatrix_to_sparse_tensor |