Package: sagemaker.core

sagemaker.core: Sagemaker core classes, methods and functions

Contains core classes, methods and functions that support `AWS Sagemaker R Software Development Kit (SDK)`.

Authors:Dyfan Jones [aut, cre],, Inc. [cph]

sagemaker.core.pdf |sagemaker.core.html
sagemaker.core/json (API)

# Install 'sagemaker.core' in R:
install.packages('sagemaker.core', repos = c('', ''))

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2.88 score 5 packages 1 scripts 168 exports 37 dependencies

Last updated 3 years agofrom:4bc1e1051f. Checks:1 OK, 6 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKJan 20 2025
R-4.5-winNOTEJan 20 2025
R-4.5-linuxNOTEJan 20 2025
R-4.4-winNOTEJan 20 2025
R-4.4-macNOTEJan 20 2025
R-4.3-winNOTEJan 20 2025
R-4.3-macNOTEJan 20 2025



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Help pageTopics
r6 sagemaker: this is just a placeholdersagemaker.core-package sagemaker.core
Appends the project tag to the list of tags, if it exists..append_project_tags
Generate models for JumpStart, and optionally apply filters to result..generate_jumpstart_model_versions
JumpStartModelsAccessor class.JumpStartModelsAccessor
Invokes the docker pull command for the given image..pull_image
Handle the lifecycle and configuration of a local container execution..SageMakerContainer
SageMakerSettings class.SageMakerSettings
Check if a payload is within the size in MB threshold..validate_payload_size
Add custom tags to JumpStart models, return the updated tags.add_jumpstart_tags
Adds ``tag_key`` to ``curr_tags`` if ``uri`` corresponds to a JumpStart model.add_single_jumpstart_tag
And operator class for filtering JumpStart content.And
A Python class representation of a boto API object.ApiObject
Extract the base name of the resource name (for use with future resource name generation).base_from_name
Extract the base name of the image to use as the 'algorithm name' for the job.base_name_from_image
Enum class for boolean values.BooleanValues
Return a dict of key and value pair if value is not None, otherwise return an empty dict.build_dict
Helper function to return help documentation for sagemaker R6 classes.cls_help
Constant operator class for filtering JumpStart content.Constant
Create a definition for executing a container as part of a SageMaker model.container_def
Creates intermediate directory structure for relative_path.copy_directory_structure
Wrap a function with a deprecation warning.deprecated_function
Exception raised when trying to access a JumpStart model deprecated specifications.DeprecatedJumpStartModelError
Download a Single File from S3 into a local pathdownload_file
Download a Single File from S3 into a local pathdownload_file_from_url
Download a folder from S3 to a local pathdownload_folder
Class describes the values in the cache.Element
Evaluates model filter with cached model spec value, returns boolean.evaluate_filter_expression
Parse the model ID, return a tuple framework, task, rest-of-id.extract_framework_task_model
Amazon SageMaker channel configurations for file system data sources.FileSystemInput
Enum class for filter operators for JumpStart models.FilterOperators
Extract the framework and Python version from the image name.framework_name_from_image
Extract the framework version from the image tag.framework_version_from_tag
Return an Instance of :class:`` according to `strategy`get_batch_strategy_instance
Return an Instance of :class:``.get_data_source_instance
Return the role ARN whose credentials are used to call the API.get_execution_role
Returns formatted manifest dictionary from raw manifest.get_formatted_manifest
Return default JumpStart base name if a URI belongs to JumpStart.get_jumpstart_base_name_if_jumpstart_model
Returns regionalized content bucket name for JumpStart.get_jumpstart_content_bucket
Returns formatted string indicating where JumpStart is launched.get_jumpstart_launched_regions_message
Get arguments for create_model_package method.get_model_package_args
Retrieve web url describing pretrained model.get_model_url
Get the model parallelism parameters provided by the user.get_mp_parameters
Returns sagemaker library version.get_sagemaker_version
Return short version in the format of x.xget_short_version
Return an Instance of :class:``.get_splitter_instance
Return the value of a tag whose key matches the given ``tag_key``.get_tag_value
Clone Sagemaker repositories by calling gitgit_clone_repo
Possible modes for validating hyperparameters.HyperparameterValidationMode
Identity operator class for filtering JumpStart content.Identity
ImageUris ClassImageUris
Initialise ProtoBufinitProtoBuf
Determines if `model_id` and `version` input are for JumpStart.is_jumpstart_model_input
Returns True if URI corresponds to a JumpStart-hosted model.is_jumpstart_model_uri
Check if list is namedis_list_named
Check if file is tar archived or not.is_tarfile
validation check of s3 uriis.s3_uri
JumpStartCachedS3ContentKey classJumpStartCachedS3ContentKey
JumpStartCachedS3ContentValue classJumpStartCachedS3ContentValue
Base class for many JumpStart types.JumpStartDataHolderType
Data class for JumpStart ECR specs.JumpStartECRSpecs
JumpStartEnvironmentVariable classJumpStartEnvironmentVariable
JumpStartHyperparameter classJumpStartHyperparameter
Exception raised for bad hyperparameters of a JumpStart model.JumpStartHyperparametersError
Data class for launched region info.JumpStartLaunchedRegionInfo
Data class JumpStart model header.JumpStartModelHeader
Class that implements a cache for JumpStart models manifests and specs.JumpStartModelsCache
JumpStartModelSpecs classJumpStartModelSpecs
Type of files published in JumpStart S3 distribution buckets.JumpStartS3FileType
Enum class for JumpStart script scopes.JumpStartScriptScope
Enum class for tag keys to apply to JumpStart models.JumpStartTag
JumpStartVersionedModelId classJumpStartVersionedModelId
Split records by new line.LineSplitter
List frameworks for JumpStart, and optionally apply filters to result.list_jumpstart_frameworks
List scripts for JumpStart, and optionally apply filters to result.list_jumpstart_scripts
List tasks for JumpStart, and optionally apply filters to result.list_jumpstart_tasks
LocalFileDataSource classLocalFileDataSource
A SageMaker Runtime client that calls a local endpoint only.LocalSagemakerRuntimeClient
A SageMaker ``Session`` class for Local Mode.LocalSession
Class that implements LRU cache with expiring items.LRUCache
Returns the s3 key prefix for uploading code during model deploymentmodel_code_key_prefix
Data holder class to store model filters.ModelFilter
Enum class for JumpStart model framework.ModelFramework
Move source to destination.move_to_destination
Feed multiple records at a time for batch inference.MultiRecordStrategy
Append a timestamp to the provided string.name_from_base
Create a training job name based on the image name and a timestamp.name_from_image
NoneSplitter classNoneSplitter
Not operator class for filtering JumpStart content.Not
Operand class for filtering JumpStart content.Operand
Operator class for filtering JumpStart content.Operator
Or operator class for filtering JumpStart content.Or
Parse filter string and return a serialized ``ModelFilter`` object.parse_filter_string
split s3 uriparse_s3 parse_s3_url split_s3_uri
Returns sagemaker library version. This should only be called once.parse_sagemaker_version
PawsFunctions classPawsFunctions
PawsSession Class create connection to AWS utilizing paws.PawsSession
Create a definition for executing a pipeline of containers as part of a SageMaker model.pipeline_container_def
Create a production variant description suitable for use in a ``ProductionVariant`` list.production_variant
Raise warning for deprecated python versionspython_deprecation_warning
Record classRecord
Split using Amazon Recordio.RecordIOSplitter
A wrapper around distutils.dir_util.copy_tree.recursive_copy
Get the AWS endpoint specific for the given region.regional_hostname
Checks if the deprecated argument is populated.remove_arg
Checks if the deprecated argument is in kwargsremoved_kwargs
Raise a warning for a no-op in sagemaker>=2removed_warning
Checks if the deprecated argument is in kwargsrenamed_kwargs
Raise a warning for a rename in sagemaker>=2renamed_warning
Unpack model tarball and creates a new model tarball with the provided code script.repack_model
Retries until max retry count is reached.retries
Split string from the rightrsplit
Creates S3 uri pathss3_path_join
Defines a data source given by a bucket and S3 prefix.S3DataSource
S3Uploader ClassS3Uploader
Return a timestamp that is relatively short in lengthsagemaker_short_timestamp
Return a timestamp with millisecond precision.sagemaker_timestamp
Returns true if training job's secondary status message has changed.secondary_training_status_changed
Returns a string contains last modified time and the secondary training job status message.secondary_training_status_message
Sagemaker Session ClassSession
ShuffleConfig ClassShuffleConfig
Feed a single record at a time for batch inference.SingleRecordStrategy
Enum class for special supported filter keys.SpecialSupportedFilterKeys
Get the AWS STS endpoint specific for the given region.sts_regional_endpoint
Returns True if ``tag_key`` is in the ``tag_array``.tag_key_in_array
Package source files and uploads a compress tar file to S3.tar_and_upload_dir
Create a definition for input data used by an SageMaker training job.TrainingInput
Create a unique name from base strunique_name_from_base
Updates the tags for the ``sagemaker.model.Model.deploy`` command with any JumpStart tags.update_inference_tags_with_jumpstart_training_tags
Validate hyperparameters for JumpStart models.validate_hyperparameters
Validate the configuration dictionary for model parallelism.validate_mp_config
Check if smdistributed strategy is correctly invoked by the user.validate_smdistributed
Validate that the source directory exists and it contains the user scriptvalidate_source_dir
Checks if version or image arguments are specified.validate_version_or_image_args
Possible value of the ``scope`` attribute for a hyperparameter or environment variable.VariableScope
Possible types for hyperparameters and environment variables.VariableTypes
Verifies that an acceptable model_id, version, scope, and region combination is provided.verify_model_region_and_return_specs
Extracts subnets and security group ids as lists from a VpcConfig dictvpc_from_list
Checks VpcConfigvpc_sanitize
Convert subnet and security groups in to vpc listvpc_to_list
Exception raised when trying to access a JumpStart model specs flagged as vulnerable.VulnerableJumpStartModelError
Warn the user that training will not fully leverage all the GPU coreswarn_if_parameter_server_with_multi_gpu